Damage Control

During tactical alert situations all crew assume additional responsibility for damage control in their assigned area of the vessel as well as any system they may be currently monitoring. If that area or system takes damage, the crew will be responsible for assessing the damage and mitigating any impact to the vessel’s fighting capability.


The bridge will rely on the local crew to provide information on damaged systems and any impact this may have on vessel operations. Losing access to a sensor pod, for example, may leave the tactical team with a blind spot that makes the vessel vulnerable to an undetectable attack.

Monitor the responses of your virtual crewmates working in the same area. Getting your assessment to the bridge first may gain you extra credit but if they report something you miss, they could take credit away from you. Verify or update another crew’s assessment, though, and you can retrieve some credit.


Damage mitigation is about finding a temporary configuration or solution that maintains at least part of a damaged system’s functionality, or keeps other systems dependent on your area running.

The vessel’s power distribution network is vulnerable to damage, which is why it is built as a highly redundant network of distribution nodes and conduits. Activating and routing emergency power supplies can only be done by the local crew.

A critical aspect of damage control is ensuring environmental integrity. Sealing off damaged sections that are venting into space is vital to maintain life support for the rest of the vessel, but this can’t be done until the section is cleared of your crewmates.

Assess the problem and configure the solution on your console. The first to submit a solution may get all the credit, but only if the solution is viable. Even if you’re not first, proposing modifications that improve a solution will give you a share of the credit.


Damaged systems will require repair, sometimes during the heat of battle if they are critical to the vessel’s defence. Identifying damaged components and replacing them will be done via VR procedures. The first to complete a repair gets the credit, but only if the repair holds.

Join the Action

This is just one way you can take part in Endeavour’s mission as part of the virtual crew.

Not only can you watch the action live as it’s happening, as virtual crew you’ll have full access to actual vessel consoles so that you can monitor systems and adjust control settings to test your solution ideas.

What you discover or develop will be delivered directly into the action so your crewmates can assess and recommend your contribution. If you spotted something first or solved a problem better then you’ll see it unfold onscreen and career-advancing credit will be coming your way.

Enjoy enough success like that and you’ll be soon be stepping onto the bridge to join the onscreen crew.