Starship Simulator

The immersive sci-fi concept is powered by a highly realistic simulation engine that is designed to adapt and grow with the ideas of participants.

Simulator Engine

The simulator engine allows a full range of vessel systems to be modelled, from fusion reactors to faster-than-light engines to torpedo systems. It uses a specialist 3D interface that requires no development experience, so that anyone can participate in the ongoing improvement of vessel systems.

The simulator engine also provides tactical environment modelling which manages the vessel’s interaction with the universe, including planets or other ships. 

The engine is additionally used for creation of whole worlds and star systems for later exploration by the crew.

On-Board Ship

A self-contained simulated starship interior will provide the setting for the on-screen action.

This is where the crew will interact with the vessel’s simulated systems using touch-screen consoles. Everything in this environment is effectively real, with one false button-tap potentially bringing the mission to a sudden, catastrophic end. All crew must therefore undergo training before they make it into deep space.