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Another Night Sky First
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Amazon's Night Sky was the first series beamed into space and now it's the first interstellar series to have been cancelled.

We're saddened by the news - it's an excellent series - but not surprised.

For many viewers the peeling back of layers to reveal its truths was probably slow to the point of plodding and didn't really come into focus until the final episode.

The two main cast being oldies might also have hurt its popularity.

A shame.

Would we still recommend it even just with it's one season?


Its final episode does leave some questions unanswered but we wouldn't say any of those are burning.

On the other hand, denied a conclusion to Single Female Lawyer (Ally McBeal spoof), Futurama's Omicronians invaded Earth.

If The Simpsons could predict Donald Trump's presidency perhaps this one needs to be added to the doomsday scenario ledgers of government agencies responsible for preparing for those.

Night Sky is available to stream now on Prime Video.

[ Main Image: Night Sky - J. K. Simmons and Sissy Spacek. Credit: Prime Video via ]


Andreeva, Nellie (July 5, 2022). ‘Night Sky’ Canceled By Prime Video After One Season. Deadline.

Wikipedia. When Aliens Attack. (viewed July 7, 2022)