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Blending real time strategy and survival in a resource scarce post-apocalyptic wasteland, Homeseek makes you the leader of a nomadic group who must build, advance and then constantly move on, all the while seeking a permanent home.

Its gameplay trailer showcases the different elements which doesn't include combat.

Both the real time and strategy elements of RTSs are typically combat but here players seem to take on a more managerial role without the luxury of pause.

Limited resources continue to be consumed and dwindle.

There is scope for conflict - including with other players if that's your inclination - but seems like you set those wheels in motion and then reap the rewards or losses.

It's probably been a good decade or two since we played our last RTS but we never liked the consecutive scenarios / maps commonly employed.

A good story can be told with them but the idea of leaving behind perfectly good buildings always struck us as quite wasteful.

Homeseek's approach of one big world with limited non-renewable resources feels like it might offer good motivation to repeat the explore and build cycle but with better immersion and continuity.

Homeseek is scheduled for a 2023 release on PC (Steam) and accompanying Gamescom will have a free demo from August 24 to September 4.

[ Main Image: Homeseek gameplay trailer. Credit: Traptics via YouTube. ]


Steam. Homeseek. Traptics. (viewed August 24, 2022)

Traptics (August 22, 2022). Homeseek Gameplay Trailer (Pre-Alpha). YouTube.