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Newish Doctor Who
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The BBC have unveiled what they're calling a new(ish) logo for Doctor Who's 60th anniversary.

Coming off a controversial thirteenth Doctor and amidst big changes like the Disney deal and a bigger budget, they're leaning into tradition for this one.

Predictable and probably wise, but the BBC shouldn't expect viewers to fooled by some retro artistry.

Right off the bat, the next series is going to have resell a lot of former fans that this is true Doctor Who.

For our part, we expect to be easily sold, having stuck in there with the thirteenth until nearly the end.

We trust Russell T. Davies to bring back a Doctor minus racism.

But viewers tuned out during the Chibnall era earlier for a range of other reasons (preachy politics, Timeless Child retcon etc.) and will be a harder sell.

Doctor Who will return in 2023 on Disney+.

[ Main Image: New Doctor Who logo. Credit: BBC via Twitter. ]


BBC (December 2, 2022). A History of the Doctor Who Logo.