The Production Blog provides updates and information on the behind-the-scenes activity of the production, design and development teams working on the ISDC concept. 

mattm's picture
Hiding in Plain Sight
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So you're a multi-national ultra-top-secret organisation and want to build a starship in orbit using alien technology. How could you possibly hope to keep such an undertaking secret from spy agencies, the media and every backyard astronomer whose telescope strays in your general direction? You're not quite in plain sight but may as well be.

mattm's picture
Introducing Endeavour
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The ISDC’s interstellar vessel has a name chosen from history: Endeavour.

Referred to as “the vessel’ until now, Endeavour has been named after the vessel Captain Cook sailed on his world-changing voyage of exploration in 1768. Pictured is a replica of Endeavour based at the Maritime Museum in Sydney, Australia.

mattm's picture
How to Build a Starship
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The naval architecture team have begun exploring designs for the exterior of the ISDC’s interstellar vessel, with a couple of rounds of design concepts already completed.

The team is guided by the ISDC’s vessel design principles which outline factors such as how long the vessel should be expected to stay in deep space, what she could expect to have to defend herself against and the conditions that her crew should expect aboard.

mattm's picture
New website launch
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The ISDC’s third generation of websites are about to be launched.

The new site design recognises the complexities of presenting the dual aspects of immersive sci-fi. The first aspect is a highly-realistic simulated environment where everything is presented as real, while the second aspect is an online TV show. Each aspect now has its own look and feel.
