#Todd Howard

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Starfield Update

In a nearly 3 hour long podcast interview Bethesda studio director Todd Howard spent 20 minutes talking about upcoming action roleplaying game Starfield.

New details emerged.

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Starfield Dev Interviews

IGN have interviewed Starfield developers Pete Hines and Todd Howard and coming out of those we have some new details about the game.

Pete Hines mostly just talks about maximising player freedom.

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Starfield Dev Diary

Bethesda have released their second dev diary for upcoming space roleplaying game (RPG), Starfield.

As with the previous one, we didn't love everything they had to say.

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Starfield Dev Diary

Bethesda have released a 7 minute developer diary for their upcoming space roleplaying game Starfield.

There aren't any major revelations in it but Game Director Todd Howard does have a few interesting things to say.

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