This week a first look at the CG-animated Transformers origin story, alt-reality series For All Mankind gets a new season and a spinoff series, mixed news for Star Trek fans as the fate of existing series announced and Doctor Who's infamous Timeless Child retcon appears to have survived the return of Russell T Davies.
Apple has confirmed there will be a fifth season of alt-reality series For All Mankind, as well as a new spinoff series that will re-explore the space race from the Soviet perspective.
Speculation has been swirling as to what Doctor Who fans can expect in the upcoming season – Ncuti Gatwa’s first as the Doctor and the first with Russell T Davies back at the helm.
This week a first look at the next Alien movie - possibly the goriest yet, alt-reality film Civil War in cinemas but is it sci-fi, a fresh look at the moon landings that could explain some of those conspiracy theories and the Roddenberry Archive adds DS9's promenade to its 3D museum.