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Where Would You Explore?
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NASA have thrown this question at everyone with a new Visions of the Future video.

In the accompanying tweet they ask:

At least as important as the spacefaring rockets and satellites is the explorer and the inspiration to make the journey.

Where would you explore? The methane lakes of Titan? The two-sun skies of exoplanet Kepler 16b? Or a world not yet known?

It could be very easy to dismiss these questions as unrealistic and irrelevant. We're not there yet and there are many technological hurdles to overcome but science marches ever forward. It is conceivable that at least some people alive today could one day have these opportunities.

Our answer to their questions - look to the image we chose.

Sci-fi isn't a uniform genre but one common visual theme is epic scale, elegant architecture which enhances the landscape. Or air / sea scape.

Pyramids inside giant ice cream cones floating in the clouds of Venus. That would be something to see.

Nice work NASA.

[Main Image: Venus in Vision's video. Credit: NASA via YouTube. ]


NASA [@NASAGoddard] Goddard (October 20, 2021). At least as important as the spacefaring rockets and satellites is the explorer and the inspiration to make the journey. Twitter

NASA Goddard (October 20, 2021). NASA's Visions of the Future. YouTube.