Ion Sci-Fi Title Sequence (2023)

The title sequence has two main parts: an inital piece to camera by the presenter, followed by a graphics sequence with video teasers.

Title Sequence

Part One

Video: The sequence begins with 7 frames of white which dissolves into the presenter video over 5 more frames.

Audio: titles_partA is an initial fanfare. titles_partB runs under the presenter with the drum sequence and increased audio timed for the end of the presenter's script covering the transition to Part B.

Part Two

Video: Hard cut to the beginning of the graphics sequence. The "This Week" animation is shortened to 2 seconds. 3 x 5 second teasers followed by an animated Ion Sci-Fi logo before dissolving (15 frames) to MCU of presenter.

Audio: titles_partB runs under the title sequence. Presenter description for each video teaser is added. Audio increases for the logo animation. Audio transitions under dissolve to presenter MCU.