#Golden Joystick

ionscifi's picture

Golden Joystick Awards

Sci-fi didn't fare too well in this year's Golden Joystick Awards with only four notable wins.

Unsurprisingly, fantasy action roleplaying game Elden Ring dominated with four wins and another for its developer FromSoftware.

ionscifi's picture

Gold Joystick Winners

This year's Golden Joystick winners have been announced and sci-fi picked up a few.

Timebending shooter Deathloop nabbed Critic's Choice Award.

ionscifi's picture

50 Years of Gaming Joy

UK's Golden Joystick Awards are celebrating 50 years of gaming (not awards) with an international poll for the "Ultimate Game of All Time" and "Best Gaming Hardware of All Time".

Voting is now open on the GamesRadar website, and will close 10 AM on November 13 AEDT (11 PM GMT on November 12).

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