#Tiny Tina's Wonderlands

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Tiny Tina's Spectreglass

The trailer for the next Tiny Tina's Wonderlands DLC titled Shattering Spectreglass is now available.

Featuring a small amount of gameplay for their new Blightcaller class.

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Tiny Blight

In June developer Gearbox revealed the name of the next class to be introduced to fantasy / sci-fi roleplaying looter shooter Tiny Tina's Wonderlands as the Blightcaller.

Now we have the full class reveal and skill details.

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Tina's Molten Mirrors

Looter shooter roleplaying video game Tiny Tina's Wonderlands have released their third DLC Molten Mirrors with a trailer.

We don't see any literal molten mirrors.

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Tiny Tina on Steam

Fantasy tabletop roleplaying game inside a sci-fi looter shooter Tiny Tina's Wonderlands have dropped a triple news bomb.

On June 23 its third DLC Molten Mirror will release and the game, previously an Epic exclusive, will become available on Steam. The next class has also been revealed - Blightcaller.

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Tiny Tina's No. 2

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands has dropped their second DLC (downloadable content) titled Gluttons' Gamble less than two months after release.

While we haven't had a chance to play Wonderlands yet, the buzz is that not only are these DLC dropping insanely quickly, but there's not much content in them.

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Tiny Tina's First DLC

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands have announced and will imminently launch their first DLC (downloadable content), Coiled Captors.

Less than a month after the game's launch.

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