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Meet The Titan Crew
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Second and upcoming third season showrunner for Star Trek: Picard Terry Matalas has tweeted deets on and pics of the bridge crew of the USS Titan.

There are many nostalgic notes - Ensign Sidney LaForge, Vulcan science officer Lieutenant T'Veen, Bajoran Lieutenant Matthew Arliss Mura at Tactical and second officer Seven.

Seven's rank isn't detailed but we're guessing it's the standard Commander.

Ensign Sidney LaForge - Helm. Unlike her sister, Alandra, she didn't want to build ships, she wanted to fly them.

Meet Lt. Matthew Arliss Mura. Tactical -- has served on the new Titan for last 3 years and is exactly who you want at that station when you hear "give 'em everything we got!". Lt. Mura is Bajoran.

Meet Lt. T'Veen, Science Officer. Vulcan. Several Captains fought to have her on their bridge. The Titan won.

Meet Ensign Kova Rin Esmar. Haliian. Communications. They graduated at the top of their class and speak over 72 alien languages.

All under the command of Captain Liam Shaw. A former engineer with a long history within Starfleet. More on him later...

And last but certainly not least: Meet the Titan's first officer who was placed into an accelerated Starfleet program against her own judgement. Well, more on her on February 16th!

Seven being placed into an accelerated Starfleet program against her judgement?

We don't watch Picard so wouldn't know about recent character developments but we'd half expect Voyager era Seven to rock up to Starfleet Headquarters and insist on being immediately put in charge.

The captain is a white man.

We're not one of those people who can't stand white men and would normally roll our eyes at someone describing any of them as generic.

But in this case, something about every other member of the bridge crew except Kova and the captain speaks to a past iteration of Star Trek.

A LaForge, a Vulcan science officer, a Bajoran and Seven.

Old Trek captains Kirk, Picard, Archer were all white men.

New Trek has also had Lorca and Pike.

Seriously we're not bothered by another white man in the chair but wonder if that is a deliberate and misguided attempt to invoke nostalgia.

It is extraordinarily difficult to imagine less racist fandoms than Star Trek and Star Wars where many characters aren't even human.

Star Trek: Picard's third and final season premieres on Prime Video on February 16.

[ Main Image: Star Trek Picard - Jeri Ryan. Credit: Paramount via Twitter. ]


Matalas, Terry [@TerryMatalas] (February 5, 2023). THREAD! Meet THE BRIDGE CREW of the USS TITAN! Twitter.