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Commercial Space Stations
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Plans for two commercial space stations have been unveiled recently, both expected to be in operation this decade.

Nanoracks, Voyager Space and Lockheed Martin announced that they are developing the first free-flying commercial space station called Starlab which should begin operation by 2027.

Starlab will be continuously crewed by 4 astronauts and be 340 cubic metres in volume.

Blue Origin have unveiled their plan to build Orbital Reef which they are describing as a "mixed use business park". It should be in operation in the second half of this decade.

Orbital Reef's initial configuration will be 830 cubic metres in volume but additional modules will be added over time.

Starlab announced and will also probably launch first.

Orbital Reef looks more futuristic and will sport lovely big Earth facing windows for taking in the view.

Also an impressive acronym - Large Integrated Flexible Environment (LIFE) modules.

Instead of spacesuits for outside activities (like performing repairs) they're developing small single person craft with controllable claws.

The Spirit of Corporate Collaboration

These two stations are intended to replace the International Space Station which is physically breaking down.

Also broken is the US's working relationship with Russia aboard the station.

Instead of a spirit of international cooperation, Blue Origin is promoting a spirit of corporate collaboration and a university advisory council.

With just a dash of internationalism. The station won't just be for the megacorporations who've previously had access to space. Any company can use the station. Unstated but taken for granted, if they can afford it.

[ Main Image: Orbital Reef. Credit: Blue Origin via Twitter. ]


Blue Origin (October 26, 2021). Announcing Orbital Reef - Your Address in Orbit. YouTube.

Blue Origin. (October 25, 2021). Blue Origin and Sierra Space developing commercial space station.

Blue Origin. Orbital Reef official website. (viewed October 27, 2021)

Blue Origin [@blueorigin] (October 26, 2021). Proud to be leading this team with deep commitment and expertise to build a vibrant #LEOecosystem for all. Twitter.

Nanoracks (October 20, 2021). Nanoracks, Voyager Space, and Lockheed Martin Teaming to Develop Commercial Space Station.

Nanoracks. Starlab official page. (viewed October 27, 2021)

Wall, Mike (October 26, 2021). Blue Origin unveils plans to build a private space station called Orbital Reef by 2030.