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Elon's Captain
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Elon Musk recently announced a deal to acquire Twitter, make it a privately owned company and "enhance" it. Not everyone is happy about this news.

On the other hand William Shatner has tweeted that not only will he remain on the platform but has jokingly pitched the idea of becoming its new face with the hashtag #dumpthebird.

BTW, since it seems to be the latest “thing” on here. I’m stating that I’m staying on Twitter. Besides I think@elonmusk is adorbs. Also, full disclosure: I’m trying to pitch Elon to hire me as face of Twitter. #dumpthebird

Elon replied:

You will always be my captain

Totes adorbs.

But has Shatner really thought this one through?

People love to play with names.

Does he want to be Captain Twirk? Twatner? Twatter? Shitter?

[ Main Image: William Shatner in Star Trek. Credit: Paramount via ]


Musk, Elon [@ElonMusk] (April 30, 2022). You will always be my Captain. Twitter.

Shatner, William [@WilliamShatner] (April 29, 2022). BTW, since it seems to be the latest “thing” on here. I’m stating that I’m staying on Twitter. Twitter.

Sherman, N. & Thomas, D. (April 26, 2022). Elon Musk strikes deal to buy Twitter for $44bn. BBC News.