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Upload Doubles Down
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Season 3 of virtual afterlife rom-com Upload has premiered and promises double the fun.

This season sees recently-deceased computer programmer Nathan return to the real world after having his consciousness downloaded into a clone body. This leaves him free to thwart evil billionaire David Choak’s massive voter-suppression plot and to pursue an IRL romance with his “angel” afterlife assistant Nora.

The download process isn’t without its risks, which only increase the longer he stays in a real body.

In the meantime, former girlfriend Ingrid reactivates Nathan in the virtual afterlife world of Lakeview, using a backup conveniently taken before he broke up with her. This leaves two Nathans in play, both with different memories and motivations.

Season three doubles down on season two’s exploration of the class-divide – the rich living in the luxury of Lakeview while the poor are stuck in the “2-Gig” virtual basement with a severely limited experience. But it also flips the show’s exploration of what it means to be “alive” by allowing Nathan to explore what had previously been a virtual romance with Nora.

The first episodes of Upload season 3 are available now on Amazon Prime, with seasons one and two also available for anyone who needs to catch up.


Prime Video Upload Season 3 - Official Trailer YouTube