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New Class Stellar Object
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An international student at The University of Sydney has lead author published an article which describes what may be a new class of stellar object with peculiar characteristics.

Its light oscillates in one direction and that direction rotates over time.

Its brightness varies dramatically and its signal switches on and off with no discernible pattern or cause.

Observed as part of the Variables and Slow Transients project which is surveying the galactic centre to discover and learn more about Galactic Centre Radio Transients, ASKAP J173608.2-321635 is a puzzler.

This new discovery shares some properties with GCRTs but is different enough that it may be something new.

As you might expect, further observation is on the menu.

[ Main Image: Artist's impression of ASKAP J173608.2-321635. Credit: The University of Sydney. ]


Strom, Marcus (October 12, 2021). Strange radio waves emerge from direction of the galactic centre. The University of Sydney.