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Tom Swift

Taking a scroll through new titles on Paramount+ we stumbled across CW's Tom Swift. The titular character is a gay, black billionaire spaceship inventor. Sounds a bit sci-fi. We pressed play.

It quickly became apparent why this series hadn't shown up on our sci-fi radar. Tom Swift is soap opera with some extremely light sci-fi dressing.

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Amazon Mass Effect

Game giveaways are becoming increasingly commonplace and not typically something we bother commenting on but Amazon have announced the Mass Effect Legendary Edition will be available for Amazon Prime members to claim on July 12-13 (US).

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Drug Documentary

Coinciding with the release of sinister human drug experimentation comedy Spiderhead, Netflix have published a trailer for How to Change Your Mind, a four part documentary series about the psychedelic drugs LSD, psilocybin, MDMA, and mescaline.

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Westworld S4 Trailer

With the new season of Westworld fast approaching, HBO have released a trailer which true to the series, mystifies.

There's also no sign of James Marsden who was recently confirmed to be returning.

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Hemsworth on Star Trek

In a video interview with Vanity Fair, Chris Hemsworth talks about both his appearance in J. J. Abrams' first Star Trek film and the possibility of his reprising the role.

Sort of. Maybe. Possibly.

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Beyond Final Space

Series creator executive producer, writer, and voice actor in cancelled after its third season adult animated series Final Space Olan Rogers has launched a Kickstarter campaign to make an animated short plus a six part behind the scenes making of web docuseries.

They've already raised enough money to make those and the first few stretch goals.

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HBO Scavengers

HBO have announced a new animated series in development called Scavenger's Reign and released a teaser for it.

The premise sounds like an oft-used one in sci-fi survival games - crash landing on an alien world and not dieing.

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Vampires v Technology

FX (formerly Fox) have released a five minute compilation clip of vampires versus technology from the freshly renewed for a fifth and sixth What We Do in the Shadows.

For all that it's not a show we think of as sci-fi with its present day setting and lack of a sci-fi element to their version of vampirism, we include them here and it's a great show.

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Umbrella Academy

In the leadup to season 3's release Netflix have published a season 2 recap for The Umbrella Academy.

More interestingly though, we've just stumbled across an additional season 3 clip published by Netflix India - but not the main Netflix account - which appears to have come out of Geeked Week.

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Ion Sci-Fi 15 June

This week sci-fi highlights from the Geeked Week TV and movies showcase, a look at the funny side of UFO horror film Nope and highlights from this year's games season.


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