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Vampires v Technology
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FX (formerly Fox) have released a five minute compilation clip of vampires versus technology from the freshly renewed for a fifth and sixth What We Do in the Shadows.

For all that it's not a show we think of as sci-fi with its present day setting and lack of a sci-fi element to their version of vampirism, we include them here and it's a great show.

Note this clip is from previous seasons, not the upcoming fourth.

We've seen What We Do in the Shadows season four promoted as upcoming content in Binge but without a release date.

In the US it's releasing on July 12.

It has also been reported that globally the series is coming to Disney+ soon courtesy of them owning their now owning both FX and Hulu but no date for that has been announced.

[ Main Image: What We Do in the Shadows clip. Credit: FX via YouTube. ]


FX Networks (June 11, 2022). Ancient Vampires vs Modern Technology | What We Do In The Shadows | FX. YouTube.