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Redfall Story Trailer

Now less than two months from release - just around the corner - open world vampire shooter Redfall has a story trailer.

If you've been following the game as closely as us the new stuff is quite some way in, but it's there, and there's also a respectable amount of new gameplay footage.

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Shadowy Trailer

We now have a season 4 trailer for What We Do in the Shadows.

Do you need to have already watched this show to fully appreciate the gags?

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Vampires v Technology

FX (formerly Fox) have released a five minute compilation clip of vampires versus technology from the freshly renewed for a fifth and sixth What We Do in the Shadows.

For all that it's not a show we think of as sci-fi with its present day setting and lack of a sci-fi element to their version of vampirism, we include them here and it's a great show.

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