The Production Blog provides updates and information on the behind-the-scenes activity of the production, design and development teams working on the ISDC concept.
The simulator has just been updated to allow Endeavour to travel between star systems. This significantly widens the scope for exploration and means a much greater range of mission scenarios can be supported.
Curiousity finally got the better of Ion Sci-Fi's Raymond Padora and he asked for a tour of the sim...
UPDATED MARCH 2022 The COVID pandemic has not been easy on anyone and Endeavour’s mission hasn’t been immune. But while our attempts to open up the concept have been delayed, we've used the time to build out new capabilities. And now as lockdown restrictions ease we’re getting ready to welcome new members and crew to the mission.
One of the first simulation missions to be made available for the Academy simulator is the tactical Hunt/Kill scenario. It presents an encounter between opposing forces around a planet in a distant star system, with one ship protecting a discovery made on the planet, and the other attempting to steal its secrets.
In this video we try and answer the one question we get asked most often: what's this all about?
Here’s a first look at what life might be like onboard Endeavour: Stage two of the ISDC’s simulation facility has been completed, adding more space and capability for new ship systems to the original realistic sim environment.
At last, the chance to get hands-on with Endeavour is here! Hunt/kill simulations are underway and this is your first chance to sign up to train as a potential crew member...
How many people will Endeavour need to make it into deep space? That’s a question several teams have been working on recently, for a number of reasons.
It’s a question of crucial concern to the vessel design team, who need to balance the number of people necessary to operate the ship’s systems with the amount of living space needed to ensure safety and comfort on long cruises. Endeavour’s systems will be complex but many functions can be managed by artificial intelligence built into the command and control systems, reducing the number of crew needed.
Tactical teams have shared their thoughts on what might happen if Endeavour goes to battlestations. As these systems roll out, we're getting a better idea what combat in space will look like.
With Endeavour's first systems rolling out of the workshop, a crew will soon be needed to operate them them and take Endeavour out into deep space. Check out your options for joining them.