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Dean Cain Slams DC Lag
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Several weeks ago we wrote about an interesting development in DC's Superman - a super same-sex kiss.

Dean Cain who played Superman in TV's Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman also had some thoughts to share on the topic which more or less boil down to DC are super late to this party.

Several weeks ago.

The irony of our lateness is quite apparent to us but his commentary still deserves attention.

He might have been impressed had they done this twenty years ago but today it's not bold or brave.

How Brave Are DC?

When we discussed Pearl Mackie's opinion that the next Doctor Who should be non-binary, we lamented that sci-fi in general has fallen very behind in the diversity department. Once leading edge it's now desperately trying to catch up.

Dean's daring DC to be braver feels appropriate. This is after all, the super hero genre.

Twenty years ago major corporations were beginning to face down conservative boycott threats for any support of gay folk. After a few of the majors (eg. Disney, Ford and Kraft) held their ground and endured or even thrived, the risk was shown to be negligible.

Now corporations threaten to boycott US states who introduce or propose discriminatory legislations.

Super corporations?

It was at about the same time that Blade and The X-Men proved that largely unknown superheroes could be the subject of successful blockbuster films, i.e. there was appetite for unfamilar characters.

The soil was probably actually fertile for a non-heterosexual superhero.

But DC aren't just giving us a new superhero. They're replacing one of their most recognisable and bankable straight heroes with his queer son.

How bankable is Superman?

With a string of less than stellar Superman films and up against the unstoppable Marvel juggernaut, he has slipped considerably in popularity over the years - from almost tied first with Batman in 1990 at 27% to third at 11.3% in 2020. Ahead of him Spiderman at 24% and Batman at 22%.

Not too far behind Superman in 2020 is Captain America at 8.25%. As Dean pointed out, Marvel earlier this year announced a gay character stepping into that role.

Doing something similar half a year after Marvel and with a near equally popuar character. Ok, looking slightly less brave from this angle.

Though still a positive development and one which hopefully will translate to film or TV in the not too distant future.

[ Main Image: Dean Cain. Credit: Fox News via YouTube. ]


Global Ranking Tracker (May 10, 2020). Most Popular Super Heroes 1990 - 2020. YouTube.

Hibberd, James (October 12, 2021). Dean Cain Slams Superman Coming Out as Bisexual: “It Isn’t Bold or Brave”. Hollywood Reporter.

Hibberd, James (March 17, 2021). Marvel Reveals First Gay Teen Captain America. Hollywood Reporter.

Levine, Robert (June 27, 2004). FILM; Does Whatever a Spider (and a C.E.O.) Can. New York Times.

Schuppe, John (March 26, 2016). Corporate Boycotts Become Key Weapon in Gay Rights Fight. NBC News.