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Electric Man on Amazon
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A sci-fi film which has picked up a bundle of awards from indie festivals is now available on Amazon. It's called The Electric Man.

The press release says available now and Amazon have a webpage for it which can be found via google. That google result has an image from the film and an accurate synopsis but the webpage itself is blank.

Seemingly it's in Amazon's system but may not be live. We can't fire up Amazon Prime ourselves right now to confirm its availability.

What is this movie about?

"The Electric Man" is a genre-bending psychedelic adventure about Trace McNeil, who experiences a 12,000-volt shock and is thrust into a turbulent world where he can no longer distinguish between reality and fantasy. The film carries a science fiction undertone while mixing dramatic and comedic elements into a mashup of philosophical pining, vampirism, a zombie apocalypse, a twisted love story … and bowling.

Watching the trailer you can tell it's an indie film but both dialog and performances appear solid.

Could be worth a look.

The Electric Man is (hopefully) available now on Amazon Prime.

[ Main Image: The Electric Man trailer. Credit: Amazon via YouTube. ]


Indie Rights Movies For Free (February 3, 2022). The Electric Man - Trailer. YouTube.

Koa Aloha Media (February 14, 2022). Award-Winning, Genre-Bending "The Electric Man" on Amazon Now; Theatrically on February 26. PR Newswire.