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Moonfall Taste Test
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Lionsgate have released the first five minutes of upcoming sci-fi disaster epic, Moonfall.

It's a very solid opening sequence.

We see some astronauts doing astronautical things and kidding about in space.

A black cloud streaks through, causing one to be tossed away into the vast emptiness and the shuttle sent spinning.

Then one of the survivors re-entering and bringing the shuttle under control.

Both as a marketing tactic - try first, pay later - and an opening sequence, this works.

Moonfall will release in Australian cinemas on February 3, 2022.

[ Main Image: Moonfall opening sequence. Credit: Lionsgate via YouTube. ]


Lionsgate Movies (December 14, 2021). Moonfall (2022 Movie) First 5 Minutes Opening Scene - Halle Berry, Patrick Wilson. YouTube