Ion Sci-Fi keeps an eye on sci-fi entertainment and anything related, with news, views and reviews every week

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Prodigy Character Posters
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Nickelodeon have released 6 posters for characters in Star Trek: Prodigy. Emergency Training Hologram Janeway plus the Delta quadrant brats who find, board and pilot a Federation vessel in the Delta quadrant, five years after Voyager's return to Earth.

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The Future of the ISS
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LiveScience reports on a recent hearing of the US House Space and Technology Subcommittee about the future of the International Space Station. The full hearing can be viewed here.

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Keep an eye on Ion Sci-Fi
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Ion Sci-Fi will be a weekly video stream of sci-fi entertainment and space science and technology news in parallel with regular blog posts throughout the week.

Blogposts will start first and video streams will commence soon.

We'll be looking at and discussing sci-fi through an Australian lens. That doesn’t mean there will be kangaroos and koalas everywhere, but when we report release dates and which network / service shows will be on, those will be Australian. When we can we'll provide the same info for our friends overseas.
