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Dune Open World
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Over three years ago, Funcom announced a six-year partnership to release a minimum of three Dune computer games.

At the time one of the few details provided was that one would be an open world multiplayer going into pre-production in 2019.

Real-time strategy game Spice Wars released in April so that's one down.

Now they're advertising nearly 70 positions, including all of the most senior ones, to make the open world multiplayer.

Curiously they're calling it an "unannounced" game.


Game development tends to be moderately lengthy and it might be half a decade or more before we see this one.

The film and its sequel might be distant memories by then but there's scope for more films based on the books and also an HBO series in production focused on the Bene Gesserit.

It's unfortunate news that this game isn't as far along as we expected but there is plenty more Dune on the way.

[ Main Image: Dune 2021. Credit: Warner Bros. via ]


Dune Wiki. Dune: The Sisterhood. (viewed May 13, 2022).

Funcom. Join Dune. (viewed May 13, 2022)

Walker, Alex (February 27, 2019). Dune Is Being Turned Into An MMO. Kotaku.