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The Boys Brother
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It has long been known that a live action university based The Boys spinoff is in development but it has only just now been given a name.

Gen V.

Simple and clever.

With the announcement came a short video with some of the show's stars talking it up.

One of those, Chance Perdomo promises:

It's f*cked up.

You're gonna like it.

We think we might.

The Boys is brilliant and Gen V was developed and is co-executive produced by Michelle Fazekas and Tara Butters.

Fazekas and Butters have made some great though under-appreciated genre titles like Agent Carter and Reaper.

In the previous dark age when superhero and supernatural were regarded as niche.

Now that they're cutting edge cool, this pair should be in their element and we're keen to see what they bring to the ultra wild world of The Boys.

Can you watch their previous stuff?

Along with everything else Marvel, Agent Carter is available on Disney+ but Reaper isn't carried by any streaming services in Australia.

Gen V is expected to release in 2023 on Prime Video.

[ Main Image: Gen V Title Reveal - Chance Perdomo. Credit: Prime Video via Twitter ]


The Boys [@The BoysTV] (July 16, 2022). Allow us to introduce ya to GEN V, The Boys college spinoff in the works with this brilliant bunch. Twitter.

Wikipedia. Gen V. (viewed July 17, 2022)