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More From Stan

We rarely see much in the way of sci-fi news from local streaming provider Stan but a recent promotion with accompanying trailer says they're home to a "critically acclaimed" sci-fi horror called From, heading into its second season.

Colour us curious.

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Stargate Chat

Fan site Gateworld have published a video chat with Jenny Stiven of Clio Consulting about the current state of Stargate at Amazon.

Not much is clear other than Brad Wright's pilot being off the table. Amazon are very keen to make something of the franchise but there are three different plans under consideration.

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More Stargate Speculation

YouTuber SCI-TREK has posted a new video claiming that Mark Fergus and Hawk Ostby of The Expanse, Children of Men, Iron Man and Cowboys and Aliens, are being considered to write a proposal for a new Stargate series.

Like we said previously, we don't know if he's credible but this time he's said that if they are contracted to write a proposal, we will hear official confirmation of that within a few months.

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Stargate Speculation

Stargate SG-1's 25th anniversary is fast approaching - July 27 - and we've speculated that with MGM now owned by Amazon, if they are planning to revive the series, that would be an attractive date for the announcement.

Yesterday YouTube in it's algorithmic wisdom presented us with a video claiming to have inside news on that front.

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Dusty Old Stargate

Several weeks ago Stargate fansite GateWorld published an article about the Stargate TV series all disappearing from US streaming services.

Our focus being Australia, we thought it interesting but not immediately relevant to our audience.

Now we have an Australian connection.

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