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Developer Interviews
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Following June's game trailer deluge, some developers are out giving followup interviews and we've chosen three to take a look at.

High on Life, Gotham Knights and Redfall.

High on Life

This comical first person shooter with living, talking weapons was first revealed during the Xbox and Bethesda showcase but will launch in just a few months.

So they don't have any time to waste when it comes to informing people about their game.

That said there wasn't much new information in this interview.

Aliens - drug cartels - have invaded Earth and are selling humans as drugs.

The player has to hunt down each cartel leader, and you can choose in which order to pursue them.

Choosing one opens a portal to their world.

There are multiple paths through each area depending in part on which weapons you've collected so each playthrough can be quite different.

High on Life releases on PC and Xbox in October.

Gotham Knights

This action roleplaying game is set in Gotham City following the death of Batman / Bruce Wayne.

A few new details came out in this interview.

Players can switch between any of the four playable characters at the Belfry (home base) at any point in the game.

Each character has a unique starting point story-wise.

Nightwing has just returned to Gotham City following Bruce Wayne's death.

Batgirl has just regained her mobility.

Robin is very young.

Red Hood is freshly returned from the dead with some new mystical capabilities.

With the Court of Owls as the main adversary they're telling a completely new Batman story.

Other villains are introduced during the main story. From that point on for each, you have the option of playing their separate storylines.

Each character has their own skill tree, with 3 core abilities, and another Knighthood tree which unlocks later.

There are also mini skill trees for the momentum (movement) abilities.

Gotham Knights releases on PC, Xbox and Playstation on October 25.


Redfall is a vampire hunting first person shooter with optional co-operative play.

While it does include loot it isn't a shooter looter in the traditional sense.

During this interview game designer Harvey Smith details how loot is distributed more realistically in Redfall.

To begin discussing that we need to first introduce remnants which are items which were near a vampire when they were turned.

Turning causes the item to warp psychically and imbues them with special properties.

When carried by the player remnants can modify gameplay.

Where can you find remnants?

Shown during their extended gameplay trailer in the Xbox and Bethesda showcase were weird warped reality locations.

These vampire nests are a shared psychic space where vampires are tripping on the bloodtrance.

Nests are procedural and replayable.

At the centre of each nest is a giant heart containing a powerful remnant.

Remnants - presumably weaker ones - are also potential loot from vampire enemies.

During the gameplay trailer we saw what looked like a glowing jewellery box which may have been a remnant. Just sitting on a piece of furniture in a bedroom.

Harvey spoke about the importance of environmental loot.

For example, players might see bloodstains indicating a body having been dragged.

Follow those stains to their origin and you might find a stash of equipment which had belonged to a person.

Vampire stakes can be fashioned from a range of wooden items which can be found just lying around, eg. pool cues.

Gravelocks are a special collectible. There are a finite number each with a narrative.

They are associated with one particular non-player character and like remnants can modify gameplay.

The world is very but not completely open world, being divided into two main regions for the first and second halves of the game.

The first is downtown Redfall and the second is a more rural area.

There is no overarching player level progression - it's all character.

Each character has multiple costumes.

After starting the game, you can't change your character.

You can replay the entire game with a character who has already finished it, and keep levelling them.

There are no plans for respec. If you want to try something different you have to start a new character.

Redfall is scheduled for a PC (Steam and Epic Games Store) and Xbox release in 2023.

[ Main Image: IGN Interview with Redfall Game Designer Harvey Smith. Credit: IGN via YouTube. ]


IGN (June 15, 2022). Gotham Knights Interview | Summer of Gaming 2022. YouTube.

IGN (June 15, 2022). High On Life - Justin Roiland Developer Game Overview | Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase 2022. YouTube.

IGN (June 15, 2022). Redfall: Developer Interview with Game Designer Harvey Smith | Summer of Gaming 2022. YouTube.