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The Stargate Rumour Mill
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Typically we pay very little attention to and don't even consider commenting on rumours but in the leadup to Stargate SG-1's 25th anniversary and a potential announcement about its revival, we have and are.

Giant Freakin Robot claim that Amazon are trying to reassemble the cast of the original film for a "new project" which could mean either film or series.

This potentially lines up with claims by a YouTuber saying that Amazon are considering ditching Brad Wright's (of original SG-1) pitch in favour of something bigger.

Does it add up?

Back in 2014 a Roland Emmerich film reboot was announced and was cancelled in 2016.

Our impression which was echoed by many Stargate fans was that this constituted insanity.

The original film wasn't bad but Emmerich's vision was to ignore SG-1, Atlantis and Universe. He didn't like any of them.

We'd have to agree on Universe but Stargate's fandom is built on the back on SG-1 and Atlantis.

Are new owners Amazon foolishly considering the same mistake?

The Anniversary Factor

Stargate SG-1's anniversary is July 27.

Announcing a Stargate revival then would make complete sense if its rooted in SG-1.

Something like Emmerich's plan which literally throws away SG-1 would not.

The Game Factor

Stargate: Timekeepers is an in development real-time strategy game hooked to SG-1 the series, not the film.

Stargate: Timekeepers departs from the end of season 7 of the Stargate SG-1 main plot to create an original story, unfolding over 14 narrative-rich missions.

If you're in the business of trying to build an intellectual property, cohesion counts.

GFR's Credibility

We occasionally read GFR pieces but don't know them well enough to have an opinion on the reliability of their rumours.

However in this article they make questionable claims about the "success" of the most recent Star Wars trilogy.

If Star Wars was not the first franchise to attempt the legacy sequel move with The Force Awakens, they were certainly the most successful.

They also claim:

Given that Stargate has not yet dabbled in the multiverse concept that is all the rage these days, a reboot of Stargate including the original cast will either require SG-1 and the subsequent series to be declared non-canon, much like Disney did with Star Wars: Legends.

Any Stargate fan would instantly recognise that as incorrect as SG-1 and Atlantis dipped into both alternate timelines and parallel universes.

Over in the sidebar we also spied a story title (by the same author):

Game Of Thrones Is Changing Its Controversial Ending


Game of Thrones being fantasy it's not something we comment on here but as a fan of both the books and the series, we look at related news.

While GFR's claim is being widely reported, it's not what George R. R. Martin actually said in his blog.

He only says that the ending might be different and makes no promises about the ultimate fate of Daenerys which is what some people did not appreciate.

One thing I can say, in general enough terms that I will not be spoiling anything: not all of the characters who survived until the end of GAME OF THRONES will survive until the end of A SONG OF ICE & FIRE, and not all of the characters who died on GAME OF THRONES will die in A SONG OF ICE & FIRE. (Some will, sure. Of course. Maybe most. But definitely not all) ((Of course, I could change my mind again next week, with the next chapter I write. That’s gardening)).

And the ending? You will need to wait until I get there. Some things will be the same. A lot will not.

A Red Herring

One possibility is that GFR's article is based on a true claim which they've misinterpreted as they did with Game of Thrones.

A small number of cast appeared in both the film and SG-1, eg. Alexis Cruz who played Skaara.

He's dead and ascended but that doesn't prevent his character from featuring in a new Stargate series.

So any plans to include him could be accompanied by a claim that Amazon are trying to "get original actors back".

There's also the possibility of a Stargate reboot maintaining series continuity and cast, with some film actors appearing in other roles.

[ Main Image: Stargate - Alexis Cruz. Credit: MGM via ]


Gateworld. Stargate (Reboot). (viewed July 15, 2022)

Kamal, Nathan (July 14, 2022). Exclusive: Stargate Reboot Movie Aiming To Get Original Actors Back. Giant Freakin Robot.

Kamal, Nathan (July 9, 2022). Game Of Thrones Is Changing Its Controversial Ending. Giant Freakin Robot.

Martin, George R. R. (July 8, 2022). A Winter Garden. Not a Blog.

Stargate Wiki. Episodes featuring alternate realities (category page). (viewed July 15, 2022)

Steam. Stargate: Timekeepers. Slitherine. (viewed July 15, 2022)