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More Stargate Speculation
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YouTuber SCI-TREK has posted a new video claiming that Mark Fergus and Hawk Ostby of The Expanse, Children of Men, Iron Man and Cowboys and Aliens, are being considered to write a proposal for a new Stargate series.

Like we said previously, we don't know if he's credible but this time he's said that if they are contracted to write a proposal, we will hear official confirmation of that within a few months.

Official news is what we'd prefer both to hear and share.

There isn't really any detail of note in his video other than his telling us that his sources are Stargate fans who work at MGM and Amazon in the lower echelons.

[ Main Image: Stargate SG-1 - Jay Brazeau. Credit: MGM via ]


SCI-TREK (August 15, 2022). Stargate new series development team picked by Amazon? Exclusive. YouTube.