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Atomic Release
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We now have a release date trailer for alternate history retro-futuristic Soviet action roleplaying game Atomic Heart.

Another one. This is gaming. No release date is set in stone until a game has actually released.

Actually, even then there have been games which have gone back into development for a later re-release (eg. Final Fantasy XIV).

Back to Atomic Heart.

This trailer is another feast for the eyes.

We're not particularly attracted to the Soviet aesthetic but gaming is a very crowded and generally visually repetitive space.

Curiously the trailer is set at fast-forward speed.

With the previous delays, is this some kind of implied promise that everything is now full speed and then some, ahead?

Atomic Heart is set to release on February 21, 2023, on PC, Xbox One and X|S, and Playstation 4 and 5.

[ Main Image: Atomic Hear trailer. Credit: Focus Entertainment via YouTube. ]


Mundfish (November 2, 2022). Atomic Heart - Release Date Trailer and Preorders | ****! YouTube.