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Before Batman's Butler
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HBO have released a teaser for season 3 of Pennyworth under its new, more obviously Batman related title of Pennyworth: The Origin of Batman’s Butler.

Are we going to mock the new title? No.

Is this is a show we've watched? No.

Do we typically forget it's even in the DC universe. Yes.

Are we ever going to watch it? Probably not.

We've nothing against Alfred but period spy dramas just aren't what we're into.

Admittedly we not only enjoyed Marvel's period spy drama Agent Carter but became massive fans.

Though in that case we had previously enjoyed the work of its showrunners, Michelle Fazekas and Tara Butters.


Bruno Hello and Danny Cannon.

Who made Gotham, which we did rather enjoy.

And this is HBO DC rather than CW DC.


Maybe we should watch at least one episode.

The first two seasons of Pennyworth are available on Binge and Foxtel Now with the third scheduled to premiere in October.

[ Main Image: Pennyworth teaser. Credit: HBO via YouTube. ]


HBO Max (August 11, 2022). Pennyworth | Season 3 Official Teaser | HBO Max. YouTube.

Wikipedia. Pennyworth (TV series). (viewed August 11, 2022)