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ExeKiller Gameplay Reveal
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One of the very first games covered on only our second day of this blog was retro futuristic western action adventure game ExeKiller.

After going dark for a lengthy period to transition to Unreal Engine 5, its developers Paradark Studio have resurfaced with a pre-alpha gameplay trailer.

Their game description isn't the best written we've seen but the broad strokes sound promising.

ExeKiller is a first-person action-adventure game with a multi-choice story. The game’s plot is set in a dystopian alternate reality world, in which a decimated humanity struggles to cope with the effects of a massive catastrophe that destroyed the Earth, turning it into a scorched desert.

The player takes on the role of Denzel Fenix, the eponymous Exekiller – a bounty hunter in the service of Helion, the ubiquitous corporation headquartered in a massive structure towering over the ruins of New York. In the course of the game, Denzel discovers the truth about himself, and this revelation puts him in the sights of several powerful factions. From this point, a dangerous and difficult game of survival begins. And it is only up to the player to decide how Exekiller plays out this battle.

Graphically the trailer isn't mind-blowing but this is pre-alpha and the gameplay looks serviceable.

What they're really pushing is player choice and say that dialog will continue while driving or shooting.

Is that a good idea?

Some of us struggle to manage the controls for just driving and shooting.

Simultaneously carrying on a conversation with impactful choices sounds like brain melting territory for us.

ExeKiller will release on PC (Steam) in 2024.

[ Main Image: ExeKiller gameplay reveal trailer. Credit: Paradark Studio via Steam. ]


Paradark Studio (February 2, 2023). ExeKiller - Gameplay Reveal. YouTube.

Paradark Studio (February 2, 2023). ExeKiller | Dev diary 02. Steam.

Steam. ExeKiller. Paradark Studio. (viewed February 2, 2023)