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Glen Schofield Interview
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Game Informer have published a short six minute interview with Glen Schofield about the origin of his upcoming sci-fi horror survival game The Callisto Protocol.

Including a small amount of new gameplay footage.

Our summary of the interview follows.

After leaving Activision he knew he wanted to start a new studio and make a new game.

His process was to go into the desert and think and draw.

Once he settled on the basic idea for Callisto then he started talking to others about it.

From that basic idea the process of writing, by a team of writers, took about a year and a half.

Story, then script, then levels.

Sometimes story had to be revised because what's actually fun to play matters.

Asked if he began with an ending and worked towards that, his reply was with Deadspace, yes, he knew the ending he wanted.

With The Callisto Protocol, he knew how he wanted the player's experience to end but storywise the ending evolved from but isn't exactly the same as what he started with.

Glen chose his words carefully answering that question and said he didn't want to give anything away.

Possibly the player's fate will be something gamers haven't seen before.

The Callisto Protocol is scheduled to release on PC (Steam and Epic), Xbox and PlayStation on December 2.

[ Main Image: Glen Schofield. Credit: Game Informer via YouTube. ]


Game Informer (July 16, 2022). The Callisto Protocol: Glen Schofield On The Game's Origin + Exclusive Gameplay. YouTube.

Stadnick, Alex (July 15, 2022). The Callisto Protocol: Glen Schofield On The Game's Origin + Exclusive Gameplay. Game Informer.