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Miasma May
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Tactical roleplaying game Miasma Chronicles has been given a May 23 release date, announced of course with a shiny new trailer.

Or rather not. True to the game's title it's more dark, murky and mysterious and itself titled "Revelations Must Be Earned".

During the trailer, we meet Elvis, Diggs and Jade deep into their journey to find Elvis’ mother. While a mysterious voice shares how the Miasma has twisted this once beautiful country into a barren wasteland.

Also shown are what we often refer to as the more techno-wizardry side of combat.

Guns are all well and good if you're into those.

Many are.

But when we're playing sci-fi games we like to see a bit more creativity, colour and flash in combat.

This trailer has it all - guns, robots, turrets, electro beams and what looks like maybe some kind of miasma nanotech whirlwinds.

Great stuff.

And as detailed during last year's Gamescon they're doing slightly different in the post-apocalyptic space.

In this game future Earth achieves a utopian existence, but something goes wrong and we see the aftermath.

Miasma Chronicles releases on PC (Steam and Epic), Xbox X|S and PlayStation 5 on May 23.

[ Main Image: Miasma Chronicles release date trailer. Credit: 505 Games via YouTube. ]


505 Games (March 24, 2023). Miasma Chronicles | Release Date Trailer [ESRB]. YouTube.

505 Games (March 24, 2023). Official Release Date Trailer, “Revelations Must Be Earned”. Steam.

Steam. Miasma Chronicles. 505 Games. (viewed March 25, 2023)