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Strange Dr Strange
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With Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness having been rushed to Disney+ less than two months after its cinematic release, we sat down this morning to watch it.

Even being aware that reviews are mixed, we are amazed by how bad it is.

Recycled dialog is a scourge in entertainment but that's not a problem we associate with Marvel films.

Younger viewers who haven't consumed as much film content would be blissfully oblivious to and unaffected by this failing but to us the whole film felt like an unending cliche, with a hodge podge story and occasionally poor directing.

Which we don't associate with Sam Raimi.

There are more than a few scenes where lines don't land perfectly or actors' expressions etc. are off.

A forgiving person might be willing to blame some of the rough edges on COVID but the writing can't be let off so easily.

We've not seen Heels or Loki, which are also my Michael Waldron, so don't know how good or bad he is.

While watching we noticed that the dialog is tragically familar but often being delivered by female characters rather than male which is an improvement for Marvel.

Maybe at a conceptual level they made the decision to heavily recycle dialog but flip the genders and call that a win for women.

On one level it is - those lines work equally well for either gender - but it also drags down the quality and enjoyment factor.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is available now on Disney+.

[ Main Image: Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness - Book of Vishanti. Credit: Marvel via ]

References Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. (viewed June 24, 2022)

Rotten Tomatoes. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. (viewed June 24, 2022)

Wikipedia. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. (viewed June 24, 2022)

Wikipedia. Michael Waldron. (viewed June 24, 2022)