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Tiny Tina's Mojo
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Some long awaited details about the magic system in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands have been published by IGN.

It's a relatively short article so worth the read if you're interested in this but we'll do our best to extract the key details.

As detailed previously by IGN, magic spells in Wonderlands take the place of and function much like Borderlands grenades, though magic is claimed to be more fun.

There are different magic manufacturers, eg.

  • Arken - channel spells (with trigger held down)
  • Conjura - simple cast spells
  • Miraculum - self cast (probably mean self-targetted), eg. a cryobubble shield
  • Wyrd Weaver - repeating cast

There are different magic strengths.

There are different magic payloads (delivery methods), eg.

  • fireballs
  • ground fissures
  • hawks
  • ice spikes
  • meteors
  • protection circles

They charge much faster than Borderlands skills and can be changed like any weapon.

Can you forgo weapons and just spellcast?

Lyons [Wonderlands Lead FX Artist] said in theory, with the right combination of weapons, spells and other modifiers, you could build a "god tier spell caster,"

Visually the different magic effects (cold, dark, fire, poison and shock) have their own sigil and so do the payloads.

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands launches on PC, Xbox and Playstation on March 25.

[ Main Image: Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. Credit: 2K Games via IGN. ]


Macy, Seth (February 9, 2022). Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands: How Spells Matter as Much as the Guns – IGN First. IGN.