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Tiny Tina's Story Trailer
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Gearbox have released the official story trailer for Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, which is a curious case of a fantasy roleplaying game inside a sci-fi roleplaying game.

That's what the Bunkers and Badasses book is at the beginning of the trailer - the name of that roleplaying game inside the sci-fi game.

It looks wild and whacky and undeniably a bit fantasy - it has magic - but there's also sci-fi weaponry.

The Borderlands series, to which Tiny Tina's belongs, is one of the gaming industry's runaway success stories.

We can't vouch for Borderlands 3 but we've tried 2 and it's great.

Their formula obviously works.

But they're changing it for Tiny Tina's and it could be even better.

Previous Borderlands games, which are single-player shooter looters with optional multiplayer, require players to choose from a handful of characters to play, each with their own appearance, abilities and story.

Tiny Tina's is throwing away presets.

Players will be able to choose their character's appearance and while there are classes, as in the other games, this time players will be able to mix and match.


Also there's the fantasy element which we've mentioned.

Sci-fi is marvellous. Truly. But not everyone's cup of tea and the addition of fantasy into the mix might further broaden its appeal.

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands is due to launch on PC, Xbox and PS4/5 on March 25, 2022.

[ Main Image: Tiny Tina's Wonderlands story trailer. Credit: Gearbox via YouTube. ]


Borderlands (December 10, 2021). Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands – Official Story Trailer. YouTube.

Wikipedia. Borderlands 2. (viewed December 16, 2021)

Wikipedia. Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. (viewed December 16, 2021)