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Batgirl in the Belfry 2
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Bit of a running gag here - after Warner Bros. shelved the Batgirl film, it seems like they're taking absolutely every opportunity remind us that her character is still in open-world action roleplaying game Gotham Knights.

The cinematic scene with Batgirl and Nightwing in the Belfry has been deleted (made private) and re-uploaded to the official Gotham Knights YouTube channel.

Not that they're just desperate for positive Batgirl attention, of course.

This version is in 4K - says so right there in the title.

Being entirely serious, fantasy roleplaying game Elden Ring has utterly dominated the gaming scene this year.

Its exquisite graphics is one reason for that dominance.

So it could make sense to showcase Gotham Knights at its graphical best.

The only difference we can see - we still have a downloaded copy of the original - is more intense freckling on Batgirl's face.

Does Dick's ass look better in 4K?

Couldn't honestly say that it does.

Call us lazy if you like but we've re-used our original not-4K image.

In fairness we note that their original trailers for the game were also in 4K but the individual character trailers were not so the lower resolution uploads might have been an error.

Nevertheless, Batgirl again!

Gotham Knights will release on PC, Xbox and PlayStation on October 25.

[ Main Image: Gotham Knights. Credit: Warner Bros. via YouTube. ]


Gotham Knights (August 16, 2022). Gotham Knights: Exclusive Cinematic - Barbara & Dick in the Belfry [4K]. YouTube.