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Edgy Cyber Update
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Action roleplaying game Cyberpunk 2077 has just rolled out a major update titled Edgerunners which ties in with the Netflix Cyberpunk: Edgerunners anime series releasing on the 13th.

Most notably this update includes a wardrobe / transmog system and on PC, the long-awaited official mod tools called REDmod.

Previously especially keen and technically capable gamers were able to mod the game but an official tool will make it much easier both to create and install them.

Bethesda owes much of the popularity and longevity of their roleplaying games to excellent official modding tools.

They are one of the few major developers to offer them.

We'll take a closer look at REDmod ourselves before making any predictions, but this could be a game-changing game-changer.

Edgerunners Tie-Ins

Several new items in the game either come from or are inspired by the upcoming anime series, eg. the jacket shown in the image here.

Also identified was a new gun but they suggest that there could be more.

A new mission begins with a braindance into an Edgerunners anime style sequence.


Players can now "stop their V looking like ass".

Their words exactly.

At wardrobes in your or your romantic partner's apartments you can create up to 6 outfits using all equipment slots.

Then from anywhere you can apply those outfits via the inventory screen.


Seriously, this game includes some of the best clothing we've ever seen but previously it was difficult to squeeze any joy out of that.

A new clothing preview function has also been added, which works with the wardrobe and also clothing stores.


There are new cosmetic options - the ability to alter face shape and also about a dozen new male and female hairstyles.

Photo Mode

Nibbles the cat has been added, including multiple selectable poses.

Players can also now rotate the camera angle.

Roach Race Mini-game

Roach - as in Gerralt's horse from The Witcher, another game series by CD Projekt Red.

Can be played in game at arcades and outside on android or mobile.

Achieving a high enough score in game - 5th place or higher on the top scoreboard - will earn you rewards.

An NPC game developer will contact you with details.

They said it's not very hard to earn those but it may take some practice.

New Weapons

There are 11 new weapons - 6 new firearms and 5 new melee, including a cut-o-matic chain sword.

Some are rewards from new gigs, others can be purchased from vendors and some are out in Night City.

Newly Added Secrets

Several times during the presentation they stressed that in this and also some previous updates, they've added secrets for players to discover in Night City.

World stories to make it feel more lived in.

And for players to discover and share.

The Future

They didn't say much about future plans but quickly mentioned an overhaul to the cops system and vehicle to vehicle combat.

Also changes to melee combat.

Expansion - Phantom Liberty

Along with a short video teaser, they announced the name of the game's first expansion, Phantom Liberty.

In it you pledge allegiance to the new USA and Johnny tells you that's a bad idea.

New style of plot and new cast, though Keanu is back as Johnny.


So much we could read into that title and dialog.

The teaser confirms the previously known 2023 release date.

Previous Gen Consoles

In the patch notes they detail:

Added more secrets in Night City to be discovered by players. Due to some technical challenges, this change isn't available on the previous generation of consoles.

Also the expansion is only coming to PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Stadia.

Cyberpunk 2077 originally released and is still also available on Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

[ Main Image: Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty. Credit: CD Projekt Red. ]


Cyberpunk 2077 (September 7, 2022). Cyberpunk 2077 — Night City Wire: Edgerunners Special. YouTube.

Cyberpunk 2077 (September 7, 2022). Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty — Official Teaser. YouTube. (September 7, 2022). Announcing Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty. (September 7, 2022). Edgerunners Update (Patch 1.6) — List of Changes. (September 7, 2022). Mod Away with REDmod!