#ion sci-fi awards

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Ions: Best Prod (Film)

This week is the second of the technical categories in the Ion Sci-Fi Screen Awards: Best Production (Film).

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Ion Sci-Fi 1 March

In this week’s edition, a blast from the past in more ways than one as Picard season 2 hits screens, Batman is back in cinemas with a new face and a new attitude, Disney’s immersive Star Wars experience takes off and Sydney Gaymers join us for Mardi Gras.

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Ions: Best Prod (TV)

This week is the first of the technical categories in the Ion Sci-Fi Screen Awards: Best Production (TV).

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Ion Sci-Fi 22 Feb

In this week’s edition, Doctor Strange is back to fix the multiverse, Steam shows off upcoming games, new time-bending sci-fi from the UK and the first technical category for the Ion Sci-Fi Awards.

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Ions: Best Character

Voting continues for the Ion Sci-Fi Screen Awards (the Ions) and this week the category is Best Character, which is unique to the Ions.

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Ions: Best Actor (Film)

The nominations for the Best Actor (Film) category at this year’s Ion Sci-Fi Screen Awards (the Ions) have been announced.

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The Ions: Best Actor (TV)

The nominations for the Best Actor (TV) category at this year’s Ion Sci-Fi Screen Awards have been announced.

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Ion Sci-Fi Screen Awards

Australia’s sci-fi news service has launched the inaugural Ion Sci-Fi Screen Awards, which will give Australians a chance to have their say on the sci-fi they like most. 


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