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Helicopter To Chase Rockets

That title isn't hyperbole. That's the plan.

Rocket Lab - with one of their two launch sites in neighbouring New Zealand - plans to have a helicopter track and follow a descending re-usable rocket used to launch satellites.

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Starfield - Settled Systems

Bethesda have released a new trailer for Starfield which gives a brief overview of the location and major factions.

Set in 2330 and an area extending 50 light years out from our solar system, the game will show us the Settled Systems.

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New Class Stellar Object

An international student at The University of Sydney has lead author published an article which describes what may be a new class of stellar object with peculiar characteristics.

Its light oscillates in one direction and that direction rotates over time.

Its brightness varies dramatically and its signal switches on and off with no discernible pattern or cause.

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Whovian Parting Words

During an online press Q&A, Chris Chibnall and Jodie Whittaker have made a few more parting remarks.

There are no major revelations, though Jodie's language appears to have changed slightly. Previously all statements about she and Chris had indicated a firm 3 year and out plan for them both.

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Russians Return From ISS

The Russian film crew who were shooting footage for a film aboard the International Space Station have returned safely to Earth.

Yulia Peresild reported feeling but not being able to walk well, on the return flight from Kazakhstan to Russia.

Filming was hectic and not much sleep was had.

Regardless, she's sad to have left and hopes that their film manages to convey the real feeling and atmosphere of space.

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Early Eternals Impressions

Marvel is a reliable studio. Their films are consistently at least good and frequently excellent. 

Early impressions for Eternals are unsurprisingly positive.

Media are also widely reporting star Angelina Jolie as having attended the premiere with her children.

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Did Someone Beat Shatner?

No George Takei hasn't clubbed his former captain on the noggin.

Rather some are questioning his claim to have been the first Star Trek actor in space.

In 1992 Mae Jemison became the first black woman to travel into space and the following year appeared as a crew member in an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

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Where Would You Explore?

NASA have thrown this question at everyone with a new Visions of the Future video.

In the accompanying tweet they ask:

At least as important as the spacefaring rockets and satellites is the explorer and the inspiration to make the journey.

Where would you explore? The methane lakes of Titan? The two-sun skies of exoplanet Kepler 16b? Or a world not yet known?

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More on Bonkers

A few weeks ago James McAvoy shared some advice given to him by Claudia Black about science-fiction.

It's bonkers and needs to be believed more than good writing.

Word of this has circulated back to Claudia and she has responded at length. She remarks that it might be her longest twitter thread ever.

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Marvel's Moving Movies

Deadline report that Marvel have changed their movie release schedule release for 2022 and beyond.


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