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Bethesda Biz
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Introducing their Community Director for Starfield, Jess Finster, Bethesda have launched a new video series which answers questions posed by fans on various social media platforms.

Called Constellation Questions.

Revealed in this year's Xbox and Bethesda Showcase was their traits system.

During character creation players can choose up to 3 traits each of which have bonuses and drawbacks.

What if you end up hating one?

You won't need to start the game over.

There'll be a quest in the game you can complete to permanently remove it.

Neat solution.

Though we looked at those traits previously and decided to simply pass on them.

On dialog Studio Director Todd Howard says they just passed 250 000 lines.

In October last year it was 150 000 and June this year 200 000.

Originally scheduled to release on November 11, we don't think they've delayed just to pack in more content but they've clearly continued doing that in the interim and his language here saying "just passed" suggests that they haven't stopped.

Now scheduled to release in the first half of next year, we wouldn't be surprised to see it go over the 300 000 mark.

Meanwhile on the Fallout front, that series is celebrating its 25th anniversary, with the original post-apocalyptic roleplaying game Fallout having launched on October 10, 1997.

As part of the celebrations they've released a series of video retrospectives - Conceiving Fallout, A New Generation, How to Reveal a Fallout Live and The Great Green Debate.

They're also giving away Fallout 3 on the Epic Game Store starting tomorrow, for one week as part of Epic's weekly giveaways.

And online Fallout 76, though that requires Amazon Prime membership with the game claimed through the Microsoft Store.

Fallout 76 has been mired in controversy for much of its short history and is one of the more infamous online games.

We've not played it but recall it being described as a wasteland of a wasteland game at launch.

Known for games with rich stories, Bethesda curiously created an online game without any non-player characters (NPCs).

That ludicrous lack has since been remedied, accompanied by other positive changes.

Reportedly it is a much improved game but recovery from a launch that rocky is unheard of.

Meanwhile there's the Amazon television series in production, and obvious scope to capitalise on that with an accompanying online game.

So we expect to see more efforts like this to promote Fallout 76 and attempt to repair its severely tarnished image.

Starfield is scheduled to launch in the first half of 2023 on PC and Xbox X|S.

Fallout 76 is available now on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

[ Main Image: Starfield dialog. Credit: Bethesda via YouTube. ]


Amazon Gaming. Fallout 76 Prime Gaming Giveaway. (viewed October 20, 2022)

Bethesda Softworks (October 14, 2022). Constellation Questions: Talking Starfield with Todd Howard. YouTube.

Bethesda Softworks (October 19, 2022). Fallout Retrospective - A New Generation. YouTube.

Bethesda Softworks (October 11, 2022). Fallout Retrospective - Conceiving Fallout. YouTube.

Bethesda Softworks (October 19, 2022). Fallout Retrospective - How to Reveal a Fallout Live. YouTube.

Bethesda Softworks (October 19, 2022). Fallout Retrospective - The Great Green Debate. YouTube.

Epic Games Store. Fallout 3. Bethesda Softworks. (viewed October 20, 2022)

Hollingsworth, Kieran (August 12, 2021). Fallout 76: Best Updates and Improvements Since Launch. Game Rant.

Wikipedia. Fallout 76. (viewed October 20, 2022)