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Star Auction Wars
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Star Wars has just trumped Star Trek in the memorabilia auction wars, with a Han Solo prop pistol from Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope selling for $1,057,500 US ($1.54 million Oz).

Beating last year's Captain Kirk rifle which sold for $615K US.

It also beat another Han Solo blaster which sold for $550K US in 2018.

The DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol had been estimated to sell for $300K to $500K.

While memorabilia prices do trend upwards, the higher sale price of the DL-44 might be partly attributable to its origin.

The blaster sold in 2018 is made mostly from wood but the DL-44 is a converted German Mauser C96 semi-automatic made between 1915 and 1921.

[ Main Image: DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol from Star Wars Episode IV. Credit: Rock Island Auction. ]


Allemeier, Kurt (July 29, 2022). Han Solo Blaster: BlasTech DL-44 from 'Star Wars: A New Hope'. Road Island Auction.

BBC News (June 24, 2018). Han Solo 'blaster' fetches $550,000 in New York. BBC.

Road Island Auction (August 27, 2022). Lot 1247: Documented Mauser Broomhandle “DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol” Prop.