#Star Wars

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Creative Differences

That's the word from a site called Puck News which claims to have the inside scoop on why shooting for the Patty Jenkins Star Wars: Rogue Squadron film had been delayed indefinitely as reported last week.

Puck is paywalled but you can read a piece based on it by IGN.

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Satisfying Kenobi

Disney have released a teaser for their upcoming series, Obi-Wan Kenboi.

It's mostly interview footage and artwork.

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Rogue Delayed

By way of Hollywood ReporterWonder Woman director Patty Jenkins was to have begun shooting the next Star Wars film Rogue Squadron in 2022, with an expected release date of December 22, 2023.

That's no longer happening.

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Long Live The Old Republic

PCGamer have published an interview with Star Wars: The Old Republic creative director Charles Boyd.

As their article title sugggests, they have no plans to shut down.

Is that news?

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Respectfully Boba

Disney have released the official trailer for Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett.

There didn't appear to be any major suprises in it storywise.

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Lightyear Teaser Trailer

Pixar have released the first teaser trailer for Lightyear.

It appears to feature the Toy Story astronaut. But without any of the other toys and doing serious space stuff.


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Death Star Operational

Leicestershire Live reports that residents of former coal mining town Coalville in England have discovered a deathstar in orbit.

Kind of.

Council stipulated that a new housing development include a landscaping scheme for the roundabout and rather than country garden, they went with deathstar.

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Christensen Return to Star Wars

Hollywood Reporter brings us some not very surprising news.

Hayden Christensen will appear in the Disney+ live-action Ahsoka series.

Having last year announced that Hayden will appear in the Disney+ live-action Obi-Wan series many would naturally have expected him to also turn up here.

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The Best Trilogy

On October 13, Disney Plus Latin America tweeted a joke at the expense of Disney Star Wars trilogy:

La última trilogía de Star Wars es la mejor

Followed by two lines of red flags - a lightsaber reference and red flags also indicating contentious sentiment.

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Lucy Loses Star Wars Role

In an interview with Metro, Lucy Lawless reveals that she had been in talks about a Star Wars role. Not in The Mandalorian.

Then controversy erupted around The Mandalorian's Gina Carano and there was a strong push from fans to replace Gina with Lucy.

Gina was ultimately fired but she and her controversial sentiments also had supporters among fans.


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