#Star Wars

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Star Moss

Carrie-Anne Moss will join the Star Wars universe in the upcoming series The Acolyte.

Her role as Trinity in The Matrix puts her in select company for kick-arse female sci-fi leads alongside Sigourney Weaver and Linda Hamilton.

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Ion Sci-Fi 20 September

This week Disney unleashes a storm of Star Wars previews, details of Jodie Whittaker's final episode as The Doctor emerge, thought provoking new sci-fi anime, a Blade Runner TV series greenlit, new alien abduction comedy from Korea and Avenue 5 is back - but for how long?

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Gone Rogue

The repeatedly delayed and helm-swapped next Star Wars film Rogue Squadron has been officially removed from Disney's release schedule.

Deadline - who tend to be reliable - report that the film hasn't been cancelled and remains in development.

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Star Wars Stuff

With "wars" in their name you wouldn't expect a franchise like Star Wars to ever back down from a fight and up against the recent Star Trek Day's trailers and news, Disney dropped 3 series trailers.

Though there was no news about the in development open-world Star Wars game in the Ubisoft Forward livestream today.

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Andor Timeline Teaser

Lucasfilm have released a timeline teaser for Star Wars prequel series Andor.

That timeline isn't very confusing. Andor (series) then Rogue One (film) then Episode IV - A New Hope (film).

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Quantic Dream Acquired

Hounded by controversy French game developer Quantic Dream, who are making the upcoming Star Wars: Eclipse game, have officially been acquired by Chinese tech giant Netease.

This follows an insider report of acquisition talks back in March.

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Star Auction Wars

Star Wars has just trumped Star Trek in the memorabilia auction wars, with a Han Solo prop pistol from Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope selling for $1,057,500 US ($1.54 million Oz).

Beating last year's Captain Kirk rifle which sold for $615K US.

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Star Wars Error

Inverse (and others) have reported that The Mandalorian has entered production for season 4 ahead of season 3's screening based on a Production Weekly entry.

While PW entries sometimes precede official announcements, in this case it must have been an error because it has since been removed.

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Ion Sci-Fi 9 August

This week a new trailer for Andor but series launch delayed, sci-fi/fantasy queen Lena Headey starring in new series Beacon 23, a first look at Gotham Knights, Cyberpunk anime series on the way and our North American correspondent dishes the latest from Hollywood.

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Andor Delayed

Previously scheduled to premiere on August 31, the Andor series, of Star Wars, has been bumped back to September 21.

Accompanying the announcement is its trailer.


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