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Deliver Us Emotion
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Deliver Us Mars have released their second video developer diary which really plays up the emotion angle.

Just like the excessively slow and abundant rock climbing in their extended gameplay trailer, this one didn't fill us with glee.

Seems like the female protagonist has daddy issues and that's a big part of the narrative.

Developers drop the word "emotion" more often than the proverbial hot potato.

Maybe there is an audience for this sort of thing - taste is kaleidoscopic - but especially after Star Trek: Discovery, this is a well we don't wish to draw water from.

Even before it would have made us yawn.

After, shudder.

Technology. Space. Mars. Concern for the environment.

Great stuff.

The rest is not for us.

Though if it's your cup of tea, Deliver Us Mars is available to pre-order now on PC (Steam and Epic) Xbox and PlayStation, and will release on September 27.

[ Main Image: Deliver Us Mars developer diary - Koen Deetman and Paul Deetman. Credit: Frontier Foundry via YouTube. ]


Epic Game Store. Deliver Us Mars. (viewed July 13, 2022)

GameSpot Trailers (July 12, 2022). Deliver Us Mars | 'Earth's Last Hope' Dev Diary #2. YouTube.

Steam. Deliver Us Mars. (viewed July 13, 2022)