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Midnight Suns Delayed
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Apologies for being slow to catch onto this - tactical card roleplaying game Marvel's Midnight Suns has been delayed to next year.

Earlier that day we'd heaped praised on Indie superhero game Superfuse, said we were impressed by Gotham Knights but wasn't interested in Midnight Suns.

There is an audience for tactical card roleplaying games but it's not us.

And we wonder if it's as big a crowd as Marvel hope.

In direct competition with Gotham Knights, which it would have been with them both launching in October, we reckon it might have fared poorly.

Then gaming media and gamers would naturally compare the performance of the two.

So we're guessing Marvel wisely opted for a tactical retreat.

One of the few other major brand titles scheduled to release in the latter half of this year is Hogwarts Legacy, set in the Harry Potter universe.

Another Warner Bros. game.

Yesterday they bumped its release from this year (unspecified) to February 10, 2023.

Leaving Gotham Knights with one of the clearest game release runs we've ever seen.

Marvel's Midnight Suns is now scheduled to launch in the first half of 2023.

[ Main Image: Marvel's Midnight Suns. Credit: Firaxis via Steam. ]


Hogwarts Legacy [@HogwartsLegacy] (August 13, 2022). Hogwarts Legacy will launch on February 10, 2023 for PlayStation, Xbox, and PC. Twitter.

Marvel's Midnight Suns [@midnightsuns] (August 9, 2022). Important update from the Midnight Suns team. Twitter.