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Prey Teaser

There's a new teaser for upcoming Predator prequel Prey.

Like most teasers there's only a small amount of new footage, nothing new revealed, and it's main purpose is to remind you when and where you can see it.

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Love the Thunder?

Early reviews are in for Marvel's Thor: Love and Thunder and critics are split with it earning a low for the MCU 71% critic rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

Our having generally found its trailers to be underwhelming, we're not entirely surprised.

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Star Wars Unhinged

If you thought Star Wars couldn't top a $6000 (US) a weekend LARP for merchandising madness, you might want to grab a drink for this one.

But not their new one, which will set you back $5000 (US).

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Thor Trailers

Familiar with the promotional proclivities of film studios approaching the release of blockbuster titles, we've been putting aside the Thor: Love and Thunder trailers to post together.

Team, Classic, Journey.

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Stranger Breakings

The second volume of season four of Stranger Things released this week and may have temporarily broken Netflix as eager fans tried to stream it.

Of more interest though is the series breaking a Nielsen record of 7.2 billion minutes viewed in a single week (May 30 - June 5).

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The Orville Politics

Screen Rant have published an article praising The Orville's third season for its political commentary following their most recent episode Gently Falling Rain.

Declaring that it succeeds where Picard's second failed.

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Nathan on Joss

Following accusations of toxic workplace behaviour from multiple actors he has worked with on different sets, Joss Whedon stepped away from heading Victorian era sci-fi series The Nevers and has been treated as radioactive since.

In a recent interview Nathan Fillion shared that he would be willing to work with Joss again.

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Strange Dr Strange

With Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness having been rushed to Disney+ less than two months after its cinematic release, we sat down this morning to watch it.

Even being aware that reviews are mixed, we are amazed by how bad it is.

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Solar Trailer

Hulu have dropped a season 3 trailer for Solar Opposites.

It's a show we haven't seen and while their recent recap video didn't blow our minds, this trailer managed to amuse.

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Star Wars Vacation

No it's not another article about the extraordinarily expensive Star Wars live action roleplay hotel Galactic Starcruiser.

Though it shouldn't surprise anyone that a vacation special titled LEGO Star Wars Summer Vacation does appear to feature that vessel.


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